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Wins and Brags

Lets get the brags started...
One big event that happened this weekend was that Wanda and Surfer Boy completed their Masters Agility Dog title! Not much hoopla was made over this at the trial but Wanda and Surfer have been through so much that this is a major accomplishment for a great friend and a bionic dog! Congrats to Wanda and Surfer Boy!!!

Personally, I had a very good weekend with Meg. Despite being cold and pulled in many directions, Meg was able to pay more attention to me this weekend, which we have been working on since the last Stuart Mah seminar. On Saturday, she won first place and a Q in Advanced Jumpers and today we won first place and a Q in Advanced Snooker. Both runs required some precision and attention from Meg so I am very proud of her right now! We will continue to work on our exercises this week and hopefully be as successful at Pals and Paws this weekend.
As always, I am just very grateful to have a dog to work in agility and love my teammate no matter what as she gave to the best of her ability of how I have trained her.

Congrats to everyone that had awesome runs and earned titles this weekend. There were many of both!

Take care,
I have to get the title correct.  Surfer completed his Performance III Standard Agility Dog title.  In other words he has his 5th clean run at PIII Masters level.  Just in case you missed it, he thought he was hot stuff.  He strutted around the score tent with his tennis ball in his mouth making elephant noises and giving out high 5's. He is a nut.  I promised Surfer that he would never have to lay on the table again.  That is definitely worth celbrating.
His crazy brother Shelly, made my day by waiting like a normal dog to have his leash put on and leave the ring in a polite manner.  He somehow managed to qualify in Advanced Standard today.  Now I need to fill out my application for the January trial. 
Congratulations to Surfer and Wanda.
We also have something to brag about this time.....Little Bit got her 3rd Q in Starters Gamble, so we are now moving up to adavced Gambers (for which we are NOT ready)..

Little Raleigh (handled by his new girlfriend Courtney) Qed on his very first ever trial run in Jumpers, and had just one fault (an was within time) on his second Jumpers run today. I move that we simply grant Courtney a BS in Handeling, so she will not have to go away to college, and Raleigh second the motion!!!!

My brag: Rascal stayed in the ring during his run!!

Rascal's brag: He unzipped his kennel and got out during another dog's run.

Abby is looking forward to showing her brother how it is done in January's trial.

Way to go Wanda and Surfer!!!

Bentley managed a Q in Advanced Pairs with Leila (thanks Leila, for being so fast!!!), and he also Qd in Masters Snooker, his favorite! I was very proud because his only fault in Grand Prix was his dogwalk, and it was my failt that we didn't Q in Jumpers. We have a lot of contact training to do before the Jacksonville trial.

Lexi also has a that she thought what Rascal did looked like great fun, so she unzipped her crate as well, jumped out of the car, and went over to say hello to Ruth!
Major congratulations to Wanda and Surfer and all that made it to the start line!!! I had every intention of coming to help out and cheer on the teams but instead I nursed some sort of "bug" I managed to acquire....I especially would have loved to have watched as many runs as possible of both the "old" and the "new", as we know none of this or us really ever gets old! Please know we were there in spirit and heart....
Kim and "critters"
Ditto on the congratulations to Wanda and Surfer! They are a great team!

Merlin and I did not do too bad. Saturday we came in 1st and Q'd in Starters Standard (our first for Standard) and just missed our 3rd Q in Jumpers but did come in 1st. Gamblers was a bust but I was thrilled Merlin did do the gamble! Sunday was just plain ole fun! Tried for that 3rd Q in Jumpers, again, and failed but did come in 3rd. Placed 1st in Standard but no Q.

Many thanks to those coordinating and preparing the delicious meals. Y'all did good!

See you next month,

Linda and Merlin
Congrats Wanda and Surfer!  I love that Surfer.  He's such a sweetheart.

I didn't think I really had anything to brag about from this weekend because we pretty much bombed out.  However, looking back, I think Greta had some awesome runs and, for better or worse, was going where I told her to go.  She didn't make any mistakes, but I sure did!  I would have said they were small mistakes, but it just proves that lack of attention to detail in handling can bring you down as easily as the big things, and maybe there's no real difference.   What with the trial blunders, and Bud Houston's seminar on Monday, I think I have a renewed desire to pick up the training (haven't I been here before?!)  I'm hoping that this time I WILL keep it up.  I also hope to find some folks that are able to go to the field during the day to work on handling, so if you're out there, let me know so we can see what we can arrange for practices.  Now that Mary and I agree that I'm older than dirt, I don't really like to go to the field alone (just in case I trip and break a bone!) :-)  Besides it's more fun and I learn more when working with others and getting some feedback.

The Bud Houston seminar was great!  I learned lots of things that I will be able to use in working with Greta and her peculiarities.  Once again, most of those come back to me.  At least I know I can change me, so there's always hope!  I was really pleased that Greta was working closely around other dogs at the seminar and didn't get reactive at all.  I'm still wary though.  All in all, the weekend was a good one, and once again I learned things that only I can put into practice.  Commitment to the training process is very important if you want to have a competitive team.  But no matter what your or your dog's skills are at the moment, you'll always learn more and agility is still one of the best ways to have fun and conect with your dog.  Congratulations to all of you who were involved this weekend.  And if you feel that you didn't accomplish what you wanted to, ramp up your commitment to training, and then just go out there and have fun!  A great big thanks to those who prepared the food this weekend.  As always it was wonderful and you made it look so easy (which I know it's not).  And just think......the January trial is just around the corner, so let's get prepared!  Best wishes to you all for the coming year!  Joyce
I really, really want to train during the day, and now with the semester winding down, by next week I will have some time do do this. I have nothing scheduled in the mornings for Monday, Tuesday and Friday next week.
So let us set up times!

Bud Houston was great. I loved his dry humor and his "equal opportunity embarrasmet" approach to teaching. His ability to see precicely what needed to change for our dogs to do what we wanted was amazing, and when you FINALLY managed to do what he told you to do, the dogs performed exactly like he said they would.
I learned a lot about the importance of precision timing and of persistence in training, and I wish he was here to yell at me on a weekly basis...but since he is not...we will have to yell at each other.

So let us keep it up!

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Low Country Dog Agility
1981 Ashley River Road
Charleston, SC 29407