Lori + Duster
What is your full name and date of birth?
Legends ChasN a Dream (aka Duster, Dustbunny) born on a ranch in New Mexico in 2011 and took a long road trip with mysiblings to FL where Mom and Aunt Karen picked me up during a tornado and then we came up to South Carolina.

How long have you been competing in agility?
Mom has been competing in agility since 1995 but I wasn’t even born then. I started competing in agility in July 2012 at 18 months of age. We earned our first title in October 2012.
What is your favorite obstacle and why?
I love the weave poles!

Which of the agility events do you like the best?
What other sports do you play?
Rally obedience, obedience and fly-ball
What other hobbies do you have?
Learning tricks, playing ball, herding my sister, and EATING!!!
Favorite color?
Mom says it's purple.
Car rides….yes or no?
Do you have siblings? Do you get along?
Yes and yes.
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and best friend?
Stoked and Maggie are my best friends, along with my cousin Tripp, and anyone else that will play with me.
What does your mom/dad say the most to you when on the agility field? When at home?
At agility . . . “Dust, Dust, Dust”
At home . . . “please don’t eat that”
Do you sleep in bed with your family?
Of course I do!
What’s your favorite food?
What food DON’T I eat???
What’s your favorite treat?
What’s the coolest trick you know?
Back up on a wall.
If you could have a theme song or “game day” song played before you enter the agility field, what would it be?
Tom Petty’s Running Down a Dream – my name sake.
Velcro or independent?
Belly rubs, ear rubs or butt rubs – which is your favorite?
Ear rubs
What are your agility accomplishments?
ADCH, Gambler Champion Silver, Snooker Champion Bronze, Relay Champion Bronze, Tournament Master Bronze, Standard Agility Master, Jumpers Master

Squirrels or birds?
Food or a toy
What does your mom and dad do that you like most?
Take me and my sister for walks in the woods.
How would you describe your perfect day?
Breakfast, walk in the woods with lots of mud puddles, snacks, agility, snacks, flyball, snacks, swim in my friends’ pool, dinner.

If you had a job, what would it be?
Herding sheep on a big ranch!